Managing the path forward: Six insights on developing business models for the circular economy

Managing the path forward: Six insights on developing business models for the circular economy

Transitioning to a Circular Economy requires a comprehensive approach that involves the entire organization. This article shares six key insights to help companies develop sustainable business models. Learn how to view CE as a holistic transformation, position it as an innovation challenge, identify immediate cost-saving opportunities, adjust KPIs for long-term benefits, embrace As-a-Service models, and tailor sales approaches and incentives. Specialized sales teams can drive early success and ensure sustainability remains a focal point throughout the process. Dive into these strategies to support your journey towards a circular future.

Navigating Sustainability in Business: A conversation with Richard Stechow and Vera Hermes for Haufe Academy

Navigating Sustainability in Business: A conversation with Richard Stechow and Vera Hermes for Haufe Academy

In today's business landscape, sustainability is no longer a choice, but a necessity. Companies that fail to adopt sustainable practices risk being left behind by their competitors. Richard Stechow (BMI Lab) shares valuable insights on sustainability in business in an interview with Vera Hermes for the Haufe Academy's sustainability program.

The characteristics of data-driven business model development and how to succeed

The experience of recent years shows that companies often overestimate the value of their own data and their own ability to generate revenue from it. In practice, very few companies can establish a sustainable business model based on data. This blogpost describes the characteristics of data-driven business models, explains which companies are suitable for them, and illustrates the approach to developing them.

Business Model Innovation Basics Series - Part 3: How to create successful business models

Designing successful business models is a craft and not an art – with a suitable methodology, the right toolset and mindset business models can be innovated systematically. The methodology represents a crucial success factor in the process of business model innovation. The third blog post in our innovation basics series briefly explains the business model navigator methodology and its four main phases.

Business Model Innovation Basics Series - Part 2: Why Business Model Innovation Matters

Competition in business is similar to sports competitions – there are winners and losers. But what is the “secret sauce” of winning athletes and companies? Is it just pure talent, work ethic, sponsoring, vision and training? The second blogpost in our innovation basics series explains why innovation is a core prerequisite of competitive advantage and how to determine the expiration date of a business model.

Business Model Innovation Basics Series - Part 1: What is a Business Model?

Every profit-oriented organization has a business model – its consistency and basic logic largely influence the overall success of an organization. However, very few managers are able to explain their company’s business model ad-hoc, and even fewer can define what a business model actually is in general. This first article of our innovation basics series provides you with a broad definition and makes you familiar with the concept of the so-called “Magic Triangle”.

The new Platform Navigator: How to Design and Implement Platform Business Models

What do eight out of ten of the most valuable companies worldwide have in common? They are built upon a platform business model. Platform companies have been able to outperform traditional businesses by establishing themselves as digital intermediaries. Curious to learn more? Read about the Platform Navigator - a proven tool to design and implement platform business models.

Our 7 Podcast Recommendations about Innovation and Entrepreneurial Spirit

While some of us will try to overcome the Zoom-Fatigue by disconnecting from the digital world, others prefer to stay connected and enjoy good, insightful content. There are over 48 million podcasts available from over 2 million shows worldwide! We think this is just the beginning, therefore, we decided to list our 7 favorite podcast shows about innovation and entrepreneurial mindset to listen to this summer.

Combining scenario management and business model thinking: Why strategic agility is the new way to define your corporate strategy

For the past decades, companies defined their strategy with a traditional approach. However, the necessary exploring and testing of alternative options was usually not perceived as invigorating but as disturbing. In this blog post we shed light on how these shortcomings can be overcome by a new methodological approach: strategic agility.

How to explore the full potential of digital transformation through innovative business models

In her book The Digital Transformers Dilemma, BMI Lab co-founder Karolin Frankenberger analyzed 100+ legacy businesses that managed to “Uber themselves before they got Kodak’ed”. Based on her insights, we explore how established companies can execute a digital transformation successfully – and what role business model innovation plays on this journey.

How to develop innovative ideas together – online

At the beginning of 2021, we are mostly used to the new digital reality, yet many still feel that online meetings might be appropriate for coordination but not suitable for ideation. In this blog post, we want to share our learnings on how to plan and execute a successful remote ideation session - from the ideal group size, our favorite collaboration tools to the dos and don'ts of virtual whiteboards and icebreakers.